Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Putin Car Bomb! Putin Escapes!

MOTORCADE BLAST Vladimir Putin’s car ‘attacked with bomb’ in ‘assassination attempt’ over Ukraine invasion, Kremlin insider claims 

VLADIMIR Putin's limousine was allegedly attacked in a possible assassination attempt as the war in Ukraine rages on, Kremlin insiders claim. The Russian tyrant's car was hit by a "loud bang" on its left front wheel which was followed by "heavy smoke", sources close to the leader allege.Putin's limo was driven to safety with the president unharmed - but there have been multiple arrests from his security service, it is claimed. It is reported some of his bodyguards have vanished amid claims secret information about the 69-year-old's movements were compromised, according to the General GVR Telegram channel. The anti-Kremlin channel claims Putin was travelling back to his official residence in a decoy motorcade amid security fears. The "backup" convoy was made up of five armoured cars, with Putin in the third, it is claimed. Source

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