Thursday, January 2, 2020

SECOND WINTER EXPLOSION: Jiamusi Dongjiao Airport In Northern China BLOWS UP On New Year's Day

Winter explosions should be slower than Fall explosions....and Fall explosion less than Summer explosions....

I expect a lot of the Winter explosion to occur in Minnesota....

Not China.....

This is the second winter Explosion...

1 JANUARY 2020

Huge fire breaks out at north China's airport

A huge fire broke out at Jiamusi Dongjiao Airport in Northern China on New Year's Day. The video, filmed in the city of Jiamusi in Heilongjiang Province on January 1, shows an explosion followed by a huge fireball. According to reports, the sundries inside an airgate, which is under construction, caught fire. Firefighters put out the fire in ten minutes. No casualties were reported and the flights were running as normal. The case is being investigated, reports said.  Source

28 DECEMBER 2019

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